HO Chun Loong(何俊龙)博士/副研究员


HO CHUN  LOONG博士出生于马来西亚。研究方向主要集中在利用合成生物学和蛋白质工程来解决各种健康和环境问题,包括建立一个可以使研究人员共享并系统地收集用于蛋白质工程目的基因结构的平台。2013年获得新加坡南洋理工大学生物化学博士学位,师从Liang Zhao-xun教授,从事利用多模块聚酮合酶酶法生产次级代谢产物,和设计蛋白质作为生物传感器用于追踪细菌胞内信号分子cyclic di-GMP内在水平的科学研究。随后,他在新加坡国立大学合成生物学临床和技术创新中心(SynCTI)从事博士后研究,主要对能赋予益生菌和共生微生物治疗功能的蛋白质设计进行研究。科研成果多次发表在Nature Biomedical Engineering, Journal of American Chemistry Society, and ACS Synthetic Biology等杂志上,引用已超过200次,已申请6项专利。



1. Pan, Y.,^ Chua, N.Y.,^ Lim, K.S., and Ho, C.L.*, Engineering of Human Lactoferrin for Improved Anticancer Activity. ACS Pharmacology and Translational Sciences, 2021, 4(5): 1476–1482.

2. Ho CL, Tan HQ, Chua KJ, Kang A, Lim KH, Ling KL, Yew WS, Thiery JP, Chang MW.  Engineered commensal microbes for diet-mediated colorectal-cancer chemoprevention. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2018, 2, 27-37.

3. Lubkowicz D^, Ho CL^, Lee YS, Chang MW. Reprogramming probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri as a biosensor for detecting Staphylococcal quorum sensing. ACS Synthetic Biology.  2018, 7(5):1229-1237.

4. Liu, Z., Chen, Z., Cui, B., Wang, Y., Lim, K., Li, K., Thiery, J.P., Chen, J., and Ho, C.L.*, Targeted EpCAM-binding for the development of potent and effective anticancer proteins. Biomedicine and pharmacotherapy, 2023, 161, 114443.

5. Liu, F., Li, J., Zhang, T., Chen, J., and Ho, C.L.*, Engineering Spore-Forming Bcillus as a Microbial Vessel for Long-Term DNA Data Storage. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2022, 2022, 11 (11) 3583–3591.


1. Ho C.L., Pan Y, Chua NY. 乳铁蛋白活性肽及其应用. Chinese Patent: 202110656090.X

2. Chang MW, Ho CL. Engineered Therapeutic Probiotic System and Method. US Patent: US2019/0209625 A1

3. Liang ZX, Sun HH, Ho CL. A polyketide synthase construct and its use in the preparation of polyketides. US Patent: WO2013/172782 A1