

于涛,博士生导师,研究员,国家重大人才工程(青年)专家,国家重点研发计划青年项目首席科学家。他于山东大学获得生物技术学士学位,于中科院上海生物化学与细胞生物学研究所硕博连读获得生物化学与分子生物学博士学位,在瑞典Chalmers理工大学从事博士后研究。课题组致力于利用合成生物学方法解决可持续制造,绿色能源存储与粮食安全等全球性的问题与挑战。近五年来研究成果以第一作者或者通讯作者发表在Cell, Nature Catalysis, Nature Metabolism, Cell Research, Nature Communications等国际知名期刊,其中CO2直接合成葡萄糖与脂肪酸的成果获得两院院士评选的2022年度“中国十大科技进展”。

联系邮箱:tao.yu(AT)siat.ac.cn  ("AT"=@)



Yu T*, Dabirian Y*, Liu Q, Siewers V, Nielsen J. Challenges and Strategies for Metabolic Rewiring. Current Opinion in Systems Biology. 2019. (*co-first author)

Yu T*, Zhou Y .J.J*, Huang M, Liu Q, Pereira R, David F, Nielsen J. Reprogramming Yeast Metabolism from Alcoholic Fermentation to Lipogenesis. Cell 2018, 174:1549-1558 e1514. (*co-first author)

Yu, T., Zhou, Y.J.J., Wenning, L., Liu, Q.L., Krivoruchko, A., Siewers, V., Nielsen, J., and David, F. (2017). Metabolic engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for production of very long chain fatty acid-derived chemicals. Nature Communications 8.

Yu, T., Tao, Y., Yang, M., Chen, P., Gao, X., Zhang, Y., Zhang, T., Chen, Z., Hou, J., Zhang, Y., et al. (2014). Profiling human protein degradome delineates cellular responses to proteasomal inhibition and reveals a feedback mechanism in regulating proteasome homeostasis. Cell Research 24, 1214-1230.


Method for detecting protein stability and uses thereof, Ronggui Hu, Tao Yu, Yonghui Tao, US20160068861A1.

Fungal cells and methods for production of very long chain fatty acid derived products, Florian David, Verena Siewers, Anastasia KRIVORUCHKO, Leonie WENNING, Tao Yu, Yong-jin ZHOU, Jens Nielsen, US20180112240A1.