

涂文伟,香港大学医学院终身教授、香港大学明德教授、教育部长江学者讲座教授。长期从事感染免疫、肿瘤免疫及移植免疫等基础和临床转化研究, 具体涉及流感病毒和EB病毒的预防及治疗、gamma-delta T 细胞和NK细胞抗病毒及肿瘤的应用基础以及特异性Treg细胞在人类移植排斥反应中的调控作用及其分子机制等医学转化研究。 主持和参与包括香港卓越研究计划、主题研究计划,研究资助局面上项目,医学健康研究主题和面上项目30余项。发表SCI论文110余篇发表包括Cancer Cell, Science Translational Medicine, Circulation, Blood,Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy,Journal of Experimental Medicine, Nature Communications, Cellular & Molecular Immunology等国际权威杂志上。论文平均SCI影响因子>9.3。获中国、美国、欧洲发明专利9项。




Mu, X, Xiang Z, Yan Xu Y, He J, Lu J, Chen Y, Wang X, Tu CR, Zhang YM, Yin Z, Leung WH, Lau YL, Liu Y*, Tu W*. Glucose metabolism controls human γδ-T cell-mediated tumor immunosurveillance in diabetes. Cellular and Molecular Immunology. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41423-022-00894-x.

Duque JSR#, Wang X#, … Tu W* and Lau YL*. Immunogenicity and reactogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 mRNA and inactivated vaccines in healthy adolescents. Nature Communications. June 28. 2022; 13:3700 | https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31485-z. 

Wang X#, Zhang Y#, Mu X, Tu CR, Chung Y, Tsao SW, Chan GCF, Leung WH, Lau YL, Liu Y* and Tu W*. Exosomes derived from γδ-T cells synergize with radiotherapy and preserve antitumor activities against nasopharyngeal carcinoma in immunosuppressive microenvironment. Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer 2022;0:e003832. doi:10.1136/jitc-2021-003832.

Wang X, Xiang Z, Liu Y, Huang C, Pei Y, Wang X, Zhi H, Wong WH, Wei H, Ng IO, Lee PP, Chan GC, Lau YL, Tu W*. Exosomes derived from Vδ2+-T cells control Epstein-Barr virus-associated tumors and induce T-cell antitumor immunity. Science Translational Medicine. 2020 Sep 30;12(563):eaaz3426. doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aaz3426.

Pei Y, Wen K, Xiang Z, Huang C, Wang X, Mu X, Wen L, Liu Y, Tu W*. CD137 costimulation enhances the antiviral activity of Vγ9Vδ2-T cells against influenza virus. Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy. 2020 Jun 3;5(1):74. doi: 10.1038/s41392-020-0174-2.