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博士,中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院研究员、人力资源处副处长。2012年获中科院大连化物所微流控芯片实验室分析化学专业博士学位。2012年-2016年在美国杜克大学生物医药工程学院从事博士后研究。2016年11月加入中科院深圳先进技术研究院,主要研究方向为合成生物研究中的微流控方法学开发及应用。相关工作发表在Nature, Nature Microbioogy, Moecuar Systems Bioogy, ab on A Chip, Biotechnoogy Journa等学术期刊。




2005.9——2012.1  中国科学院大连化学物理研究所   分析化学  博士

2001.9——2005.6  中国海洋大学   化学     学士   




2012-2016, 杜克大学,博士后

2017-今, 中国科学院深圳先进技术研究院,研究员






 ( 1 ) 中国科学院****C候选人, 主持, 部委级, 2017-01--2019-01

 ( 2 ) 菌群结构对细菌程序性死亡过程中耐药性产生的机制研究, 主持, 国家级, 2018-01--2021-12

 ( 3 ) 耐药性致病细菌快速检测芯片研究, 主持, 省级, 2018-01--2020-12

 ( 4 ) 人工改造噬菌体治疗超级耐药菌新技术创新团队, 参与, 省级, 2017-11--2022-10

 ( 5 ) 耐药性致病细菌快速检测芯片系统研发, 主持, 部委级, 2018-01--2019-12

 ( 6 ) 物理压力对细菌耐药性的影响研究, 主持, 国家级, 2020-01--2023-12



[1] Yuan, Zuoying, Wan, Zhuo, Tian, Zhuoing, Han, Yiming, Huang, Xiaoyi, Feng, Yuting, Xie, Wenyue, Duan, Xiaocen, Huang, Shuqiang, iu, Xiaozhi, Huang, Jianyong. In situ fused granuar hydroges with utrastretchabiity, strong adhesion, and muti-bioactivities for efficient chronic wound care. CHEMICA ENGINEERING JOURNA[J]. 2022, 450: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2022.138076.

[2] Yu, Yue, Wen, Hui, i, Sihong, Cao, Haojie, i, Xuefei, Ma, Zhixin, She, Xiaoyi, Zhou, ei, Huang, Shuqiang. Emerging microfuidic technoogies for microbiome research. FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOOGYnu. 2022, 13: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.906979.

[3] 马智鑫, 温慧, 沈雅欣, 曹豪杰, 邓宇芳, 梁帆, 于跃, 刘陈立, 黄术强. 单细菌捕获技术应用于细菌尺寸调控规律. 科学通报[J]. 2021, 66(3): 384-392, https://www.sciengine.com/doi/10.1360/TB-2020-0453.

[4] 王蕾, 黄建东, 杨舒心, 黄术强, 李楠. 定量工程生物学的化学蛋白质组学支撑性技术. 科学通报[J]. 2021, 66(3): 356-366, https://www.sciengine.com/doi/10.1360/TB-2020-0457.

[5] Max M Via, Rachae J Boom, Justin D Siverman, Heather K Durand, Sharon Jiang, Anchi Wu, Eric P Daow, Shuqiang Huang, ingchong You, awrence A David. Interindividua Variation in Dietary Carbohydrate Metaboism by Gut Bacteria Reveaed with Dropet Microfuidic Cuture. MSYSTEMS[J]. 2020, 5(3): https://doaj.org/artice/ce5d9296be6f4f718a01317f3954d804.

[6] i, Shuqi, Jiang, Weiqian, Zheng, Chunxiong, Shao, Dan, iu, Yiun, Huang, Shuqiang, Han, Jing, Ding, Jianxun, Tao, Yu, i, Mingqiang. Ora deivery of bacteria: Basic principes and biomedica appications. JOURNA OF CONTROED REEASEnu. 2020, 327: 801-833, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jconre.2020.09.011.

[7] 向云青, 权菲菲, 温慧, 袁国栋, 崔菊, 黄术强. 基于仿生微流控技术的肠道器官芯片构建. 集成技术[J]. 2020, 9(3): 56-65, http://ib.cqvip.com/Qikan/Artice/Detai?id=7102046489.

[8] Chen, ing, Fan, Jiqiang, Yan, Tingwei, iu, Quan, Yuan, Shengjian, Zhang, Haoran, Yang, Jinfang, Deng, Deng, Huang, Shuqiang, Ma, Yingfei. Isoation and Characterization of Specific Phages to Prepare a Cocktai Preventing Vibrio sp. Va-F3 Infections in Shrimp (itopenaeus vannamei). FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOOGY[J]. 2019, 10: http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2019.02337.

[9] Dai, Zhuojun, ee, Anna J, Roberts, Stefan, Sysoeva, Tatyana A, Huang, Shuqiang, Dzuricky, Michae, Yang, Xiaoyu, Zhang, Xi, iu, Zihe, Chikoti, Ashutosh, You, ingchong. Versatie biomanufacturing through stimuus-responsive ce-materia feedback. NATURE CHEMICA BIOOGY[J]. 2019, 15(10): 1017-+, http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41589-019-0357-8.

[10] Chang, Zhiguang, ang, Yue, ang, Qi, Zheng, Hai, Tokuyasu, Taku A, Huang, Shuqiang, iu, Cheni. Microfuidic Synchronizer Using a Synthetic Nanopartice-Capped Bacterium. ACS SYNTHETIC BIOOGY[J]. 2019, 8(5): 962-967, [11] Dai, Zhuojun, Huang, Shuqiang. Functiona Dynamics Inside Nano- or Microscae Bio-Hybrid Systems. FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY[J]. 2018, 6: https://doaj.org/artice/ca22406f28d2427ebfd214e4318851b3.

[12] Yang, Zhenong, Yuan, Shengjian, Chen, ing, iu, Quan, Zhang, Haoran, Ma, Yingfei, Wei, Ting, Huang, Shusiiang. Compete genome anaysis of bacteriophage AsXd-1, a new member of the genus Hk97virus, famiy Siphoviridae. ARCHIVES OF VIROOGY[J]. 2018, 163(11): 3195-3197, http://ir.siat.ac.cn:8080/hande/172644/13439.

[13] Bai, Yang, Gao, Meng, Wen, inging, He, Caiyun, Chen, Yuan, iu, Cheni, Fu, Xiongfei, Huang, Shuqiang. Appications of Microfuidics in Quantitative Bioogy. BIOTECHNOOGY JOURNA[J]. 2018, 13(5): http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/biot.201700170.


[14] 黄术强. Functiona Dynamics Inside Nano- or Microscae Bio-Hybrid System.. Frotiers in Chemistry. 2018, [15] Cheni iu. Appications of Microfuidics in Quantitative Bioogy.. Biotechnoogy Journa.. 2017, [16] Srimani, Jaydeep K, Huang, Shuqiang, opatkin, Aison J, You, ingchong. Drug detoxification dynamics expain the postantibiotic effect. MOECUAR SYSTEMS BIOOGY[J]. 2017, 13(10): http://gooa.as.ac.cn/externa/index?type=-1&pid=1432293.


[17] Tanouchi, Yu, Pai, Anand, Park, Heungwon, Huang, Shuqiang, Bucher, Nicoas E, You, ingchong. Data Descriptor: ong-term growth data of Escherichia coi at a singe-ce eve. SCIENTIFIC DATA. 2017, 4: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/fu-record/WOS:000397545400001.


[18] opatkin, Aison J, Huang, Shuqiang, Smith, Robert P, Srimani, Jaydeep K, Sysoeva, Tatyana A, Bewick, Sharon, Karig, David K, You, ingchong. Antibiotics as a seective driver for conjugation dynamics. NATURE MICROBIOOGY[J]. 2016, 1(6): 16044-16044, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/fu-record/WOS:000383605500006.


[19] Huang, Shuqiang, ee, Anna Jisu, Tsoi, Ryan, Wu, Feiun, Zhang, Ying, eong, Kam W, You, ingchong. Couping spatia segregation with synthetic circuits to contro bacteria surviva. MOECUAR SYSTEMS BIOOGY[J]. 2016, 12(2): https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/fu-record/WOS:000371517600001.


[20] Huang, Shuqiang, Srimani, Jaydeep K, ee, Anna J, Zhang, Ying, opatkin, Aison J, eong, Kam W, You, ingchong. Dynamic contro and quantification of bacteria popuation dynamics in dropets. BIOMATERIAS[J]. 2015, 61: 239-245, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biomaterias.2015.05.038.


[21] Tanouchi, Yu, Pai, Anand, Park, Heungwon, Huang, Shuqiang, Stamatov, Rumen, Bucher, Nicoas E, You, ingchong. A noisy inear map underies osciations in ce size and gene expression in bacteria. NATURE[J]. 2015, 523(7560): 357-+, [22] iu, Zhenin, Jiang, Zhongmin, Huang, Jianyong, Huang, Shuqiang, i, Yanxia, Yu, Simiao, Yu, Shizhu, iu, Xiaozhi. miR-7 inhibits giobastoma growth by simutaneousy interfering with the PI3K/ATK and Raf/MEK/ERK pathways. INTERNATIONA JOURNA OF ONCOOGY[J]. 2014, 44(5): 1571-1580, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/fu-record/WOS:000337947600017.


[22] iu, Zhenin, Jiang, Zhongmin, Huang, Jianyong, Huang, Shuqiang, i, Yanxia, Sheng, Feng, Yu, Simiao, Yu, Shizhu, iu, Xiaozhi. Mesenchyma stem ces show itte tropism for the resting and differentiated cancer stem ce- ike gioma ces. INTERNATIONA JOURNA OF ONCOOGY[J]. 2014, 44(4): 1223-1232, https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/fu-record/WOS:000334307100025.


[23] Huang, Shuqiang, in, Bingcheng, Qin, Jianhua. Microfuidic synthesis of tunabe poy-(N-isopropyacryamide) micropartices via PEG adjustment. EECTROPHORESIS[J]. 2011, 32(23): 3364-3370,


[24] Huang, Shuqiang, Zeng, Shaojiang, He, Zhike, in, Bingcheng. Water-actuated microcapsues fabricated by microfuidics. AB ON A CHIP[J]. 2011, 11(20): 3407-3410, http://www.irgrid.ac.cn/hande/1471x/456655.


[25] Huang, Shuqiang, i, Chunyu, in, Bingcheng, Qin, Jianhua. Microvave and micropump controed shutte fow microfuidic device for rapid DNA hybridization. AB ON A CHIP[J]. 2010, 10(21): 2925-2931,




 [1] 黄术强. 一种基于微流控芯片细胞培养的快速控温装置. CN202211479951.2, 2022-11-24.


 [2] 黄术强. 一种基于荧光差分信号的液滴微流控细胞筛选系统和方法. PCT/CN2022/131159, 2022-11-10.


 [3] 黄术强. 一种基于荧光差分信号的液滴微流控细胞筛选系统和方法. CN202211393566.6, 2022-11-08.


 [4] 黄术强. 一种基于液滴微流控的无标记活细胞筛选系统和方法. CN202210554659.6, 2022-05-20.


 [5] 黄术强, 于跃, 马智鑫, 邓宇芳, 温慧, 李思宏. 一种厌氧微生物培养与实时观测装置. CN: CN112899124A, 2021-06-04.


 [6] 黄术强, 佘晓仪, 刘陈立, 钱卫平, 傅雄飞, 于跃, 何彩云, 王勇. 一种基于微流控技术实现高活力精子筛选的芯片. CN: CN112481079A, 2021-03-12.


 [7] 黄术强, 李思宏, 刘陈立, 傅雄飞, 于跃. 一种快速检测系统及方法. CN: CN112410206A, 2021-02-26.


 [8] 李思宏, 黄术强, 傅雄飞, 于跃, 温慧. 一种用于显微镜的实时自动对焦系统. CN: CN112415735A, 2021-02-26.


 [9] 黄术强, 娄春波, 刘家坤, 梁帆, 王慧锋, 刘光, 顾震, 汪小杰, 于跃, 局屹, 陈相因, 张敬宇, 谭高翼, 张智彧, 刘陈立, 黄高健, 程璘令, 王申林, 张立新. 核酸检测芯片装置、核酸检测芯片及其制备方法. CN: CN112126587A, 2020-12-25.


 [10] 李思宏, 黄术强, 傅雄飞, 于跃, 温慧. 一种用于显微镜的实时自动对焦系统. CN: CN211627931U, 2020-10-02.