

甘海云,研究员,2011年在中国科学院动物研究所获得博士学位,之后先后在美国mayo clinic以及哥伦比亚大学进行博士后研究,回国前是美国ST JUDE儿童研究医院细胞分子生物学部门生物信息负责人。主要研究领域是表观基因组信息的遗传机制以及肿瘤发生和耐药性产生的表观遗传调控机制。已在表观基因组领域取得了一系列重要的成果。共发表SCI论文26篇,累计影响因子>290,累计他引>1100次,其中第一或共同第一作者的文章发表在包括Science (2篇)、Molecular Cell (4篇)、Nature Communications、eLife、Mol Cell Proteomics等国际专业期刊上。





Yu, C#, H. Gan#, A. Serra-Cardona, L. Zhang, S. Gan, S. Sharma, E. Johansson, A. Chabes, R. M. Xu, Z. Zhang. A mechanism for preventing asymmetric histone segregation onto replicating DNA strands, Science, 2018, 361: 1386-1389. (Highlighted in Science and F1000)

H. Gan#, A. Serra-Cardona#, X. Hua, H. Zhou, K. Labib, C. Yu, Z. Zhang. The Mcm2-Ctf4-Polalpha Axis Facilitates Parental Histone H3-H4 Transfer to Lagging Strands, Molecular Cell, 2018, 72(1): 140-151. 

H. Gan#, C. Yu#, S. Devbhandari, S. Sharma, J. Han, A. Chabes, D. Remus,  Z. Zhang*, Checkpoint kinase Rad53 couples leading and lagging strand DNA synthesis under replication stress, Molecular Cell, 2017, 68: 446-455. (Highlighted in Cell Cycle)

Zhang, H#, H. Gan#, Z. Wang#, J. H. Lee, H. Zhou, T. Ordog, M. S. Wold, M. Ljungman and Z. Zhang*, RPA Interacts with HIRA and Regulates H3.3 Deposition at Gene Regulatory Elements in Mammalian Cells, Molecular Cell, 2017, 65: 272-284. (Highlighted in F1000)

Fang, D#, H. Gan#, J. H. Lee#, J. Han#, Z. Wang#, S. M. Riester, L. Jin, J. Chen, H. Zhou, J. Wang, H. Zhang, N. Yang, E. W. Bradley, T. H. Ho, B. P. Rubin, J. A. Bridge, S. N. Thibodeau, T. Ordog, Y. Chen, A. J. van Wijnen, A. M. Oliveira, R. M. Xu, J. J. Westendorf, Z. Zhang*, The histone H3.3K36M mutation reprograms the epigenome of chondroblastomas, Science, 2016, 352: 1344-1348. (Highlighted in F1000)