How Difficult It is to Tear Down the Fence

This year, a young research team in South China that has been established for less than 4 years has very rarely attracted the attention of Jay Kiesling, an academician of the American Academy of Engineering. Jay Keithling began a substantive collaboration with this team, established a joint laboratory, and made a long list of research projects. This is his first laboratory in China, and he said earlier: "Produced intellectual property belongs to China"

 ——This is regarded as another kind of “international recognition” obtained by this research team in addition to the output of several science papers.



Regardless of whether it is in the traditional science field or the emerging science field, the brainstorming of scientists, the smartest brains on the planet, is the most precious.

The news is reprinted in China Youth Daily (November 27, 2017, 12th edition).